Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hump Day Nerdgasm: Puberty Flashback Edition

In my awkward adolescent years, directly following my classics-only phase (A Clockwork Orange isn't suitable for 8-year-old girls? Pshaw!), I went through a period of reading ONLY from the Young Adult Science Fiction/Fantasy shelf at the severely limited Air Force Base library. After wading through a good amount of terrible-awful, I found Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. I didn't know anything about it when I pulled it off the shelf, and I don't know what persuaded me to take it home.

Must have been the alluring cover design
But, like so many generations of readers before and after me, I was immediately entranced. And I will ALWAYS equate this book with the rare feeling of being 100% captured by a story . . . maybe for the first time (it's possible The Boxcar Children series got to me first).

This year marks the 50th anniversary of this crazy-pants book, and it's also the year it will be released as a graphic novel, custom tailored for consumption by a whole new generation of Meg Murrys, Charles Wallaces, and Calvin O'Keefes.

Coming in October!

Adapted and illustrated by Hope Larson.

First glimpse of Meg Murry.
More? Here, have this New York Times article about how Meg Murry bridged the gap between young female readers and the male-dominated sci-fi genre.